Patient Stories

Jamie's Story

Jamie's Story

Wiltshire Air Ambulance were lifesavers for Jamie Glassborrow when he was struck by a car during a holiday in Brean.

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Brian's story

Brian's story

Brian Skeete says he will forever be thankful for Wiltshire Air Ambulance after suffering a cardiac arrest at the height of the Covid pandemic in July 2020.

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Chris Williams, who was airlifted by Wiltshire Air Ambulance, paragliding in the skies

Chris' story

Chris Williams has raised over £7,000 for our charity since being airlifted after a paragliding accident

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Patient Martyn Dormer standing in front of the helicopter with critical care paramedics Dan and Sophie, and doctor Reuben who are wearing orange flight suits,

Martyn's story

On one of the wettest days of the year Wiltshire Air Ambulance comes to Martyn's rescue.

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A patient being carried over a fence on a stretcher. The Bell 429 helicopter is in the background.

Julia's story

Wiltshire Air Ambulance comes to Julia's rescue after rural horse riding accident.

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A former patient meeting critical care paramedic at the charity's airbase. They are stood in front of the helicopter on the helipad.

Will's Story

I owe Wiltshire Air Ambulance everything – they saved my life.

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Pete's story

Pete's story

The six-minute flight to hospital is the only reason Pete survived his road traffic collision.

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A family sat inside the Bell-429 helicopter on its helipad.

Quade's story

It could have been so different without Wiltshire Air Ambulance

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A happy couple signing a register on their wedding day

Emily's story

Emily enjoys wedding four months after Wiltshire Air Ambulance came to her rescue

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A couple sat on a bench overlooking a coastal path with their three dogs.

Steve's story

Without Wiltshire Air Ambulance the outcome would have been different

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Get in touch

Have you been airlifted by us?

If you or someone you know has been airlifted by our team, it would be great to hear from you. We can arrange for a visit to the airbase for the chance to meet our pilots, paramedics and doctors.