Go The Extra Mile

Go The Extra Mile logoTo celebrate February 2024 being a leap year, we are going the extra mile (all 29) and want you to take on a challenge, set a new goal or try something new each day of the extended month.

How can you go the extra mile?

  • Walk, run, cycle, ride, row a mile a day at home, in the gym, local park or at work.

  • A random act of kindness every day

  • Do something out of the ordinary (bungee jump, skydive, wear a mad outfit every day).

  • Learn something new in just 29 days.

Whatever you choose to do, we want you to go the extra mile for your local air ambulance.

Your entry fee is your donation, however if you would like to fundraise for us further, you can set up your fundraising page here.

The first 50 people to register and go the extra mile will receive a FREE WAA branded headband!

By participating and sharing your progress, you are helping raise awareness of our lifesaving charity.

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